Agile Backlog Workshop with Epics, Features, and User Stories

The workshop will teach you how to write Epics, Features, and User Stories that effectively communicate the needs of your customers using a blend of lecture and group exercises. You will learn how to build a product backlog of Epic ideas, broken down into beneficial Features, and decomposed into small, valuable User Stories. You will bring your own work items and apply what you learn in a series of exercises that take you through creating your own Epics, Features, and User Stories.

Workshop Objectives

  • Understand Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Understand requirements hierarchy Epics, Features, and Stories
  • Learn User Story Concepts
    • Identify best practices for writing User Stories
    • Discuss how they are used in Agile
    • Be aware of potential problems in writing and using them
  • Understand the difference between Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done

Learning Content

  • Agile Manifesto & principles, Scrum values
  • Minimum Viable Product
  • User Roles & Personas
  • Epics, Features, User Stories
  • Enablers
  • Business rules and non-functional requirements
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Bad Stories
  • Sources of User Stories
  • Story mapping
  • Tasks,
  • Definitions of Ready & Done

Target Audience

  • Those who actively participate in a project using Epics, Features and User Stories, including Business Owners, Product Owners and Product Managers.
  • People on the edges of the project (proxy customers, management, employees in related processes)


A basic understanding of agile practices such as Scrum, XP or SAFe® is important

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