OKR (Objectives and Key Results) Foundation

At the time of digitization and implementation of agile principles in many companies, the classic annual planning cascaded by the top-down method is no longer enough. It is necessary to look for an alternative that is simple and at the same time allows you to set goals more often (usually quarterly), measure their fulfillment well and, if necessary, adjust them to market needs during the year. This alternative is OKR (Objectives and Key Results). In this workshop you will learn about the basic principles of this modern planning method, find out its advantages over the classic top-down planning, and in combination of theory and practical exercises learn how to implement OKR in your company and learn what to avoid.

Jiří Drbohlav





Realized trainings

Course Goals

  • Understand the basic principles and benefits of OKR for your company
  • Understand the differences between classical planning and OKR
  • Learn to implement OKR
    • How to properly define objectives and key results
    • How to unite OKRs of the whole company and individual teams
    • How to ensure that OKRs are not just a list of activities, but represent real objectives focused on the value they bring to customers / the market
    • What to avoid
    • How to work with OKRs on an ongoing basis

Learning Content

  • What is OKR
  • What are the benefits of using OKR
  • Strategic vs. tactical OKRs
  • Types of Key Results and criteria for their success
  • How ambitious OKRs should be
  • How to find alignment between company-wide and team OKRs
  • How to track results using weekly check-in
  • Typical OKR cycle
  • Why not link OKRs to corporate compensation
  • Common mistakes

Target Group

  • Company management, team leaders, product owners and members of agile teams
  • Those involved in planning and creating goals in the company


Attendance at the workshop does not require any previous knowledge or experience

Online Course Organization

The course is interactive, combining training materials, practical exercises and sharing the practical experiences of the trainer.

A day before the course we organize later in the afternoon from 17:15 to 18:00 an optional introduction session for all the participants, where we explain the virtual environment we will use during the course and how to behave in it.

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