Organizing workshops

Organizing workshops

remotely | on-site | in a hybrid mode

Účastnit se skupinové diskuse ať už virtuálně nebo on-site je nesmírně hodnotné. Věnujte čas reflexi, získejte nezávislý pohled, buďte kreativní a uvažujte o alternativách dosahování vašich cílů, cílů vašich týmů či celé firmy

We organize following workshops in both in-house and public formats


Spotlight SAFe® 6.0 Update Workshop

Learn about news and improvements in new SAFe major version 6.0 and discover how to used them effectively in your company.


Agile backlog with Epics, Features and User Stories

Learn about this powerful yet simple technique for creating work items for an Agile environment.


Lean-Agile Center of Excellence

The Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) is a small, dedicated team of leaders and change agents who are responsible for driving real and lasting organizational change. Learn how to initiate and operate such a team in your company.


Getting Started Lean Portfolio Management

This workshop is designed to help the change agents who are implementing LPM to prepare for an effective LPM kickoff event.


SAFe® Executive Overview

The workshop explains agile to management including principles of scaling agile within the company. It introduces SAFe as a great source of best practices.


SAFe® Value Stream Mapping

Learn how to optimize flow in your value stream (in-house workshop only)


SAFe® Value Stream and ART Identification Workshop

The workshop presents a structured, proven approach for collaborating with stakeholders to define Value Streams and ARTs.


Measure what matters

Which agile metrics shall we use and in which circumstances? How to successfuly create an improvement dashboard? These and connected topics will be discussed in this workshop.


Accelerating Value Flow

Learn how to apply Flow Accelerators to your context in this workshop to deliver value to your customers faster. After instruction and work time, you’ll see how your area of flow affects the larger system.

I am interested in having workshop.